Evolution into the next millennium
"What appears to be the future for many, is already the past for some, who are now unfolding it into the present"

At the intersection of transformative technologies and emergent evolutionary paradigms
Evolution tends to favor the most adaptive, rather than merely the "fittest".
Evolution tends to be a trauma induced process, given that the periodicity and amplitude of the encountered trauma cycles do not exceed the system capacity to respond, it will adapt and evolve to a more functional form, or perish.
This system dynamic operates like a fractal, at many scales, from localized microcosm to planetary, in biological, societal, economic, cultural and even political systems . . . as we are witnessing now.
Back on the air again, with Connie Willis on Coast to Coast AM, Sun Aug 11, 10pm to midnight
Quantum biology, biphotonic quantum entanglement in human neural systems, a potential mechanism for "6th sense" quantum cognition.
Back on the air again, with Connie Willis on Coast to Coast AM, Sat Oct 7, 10pm-midnight
Selective genomics, preemptive genetic engineering, immersion into the ubiquitous DNA database, your DNA as your new ID, and so on . . . and if inclined, you can even call in!

Synergistically interrelated technology development vectors are coalescing around an accelerating evolutionary eventstream, compressed into ever shortening timelines, mapped against ever increasing layers of complexity.
The original NBIC agenda and conference series events started in 2002, by
NSF and the National Nanotechnology Initiative.